May 17, 2013


Today is the Feast of William Hobart Hare, Bishop of Niobrara and of South Dakota, 1909.

Wakantanka, Holy God, you called your servant William Hobart Hare to bear witness to you throughout the vast reaches of the Niobrara Territory, bearing the means of grace and the hope of glory to the peoples of the Plains: We give you thanks for the devotion of those who received the Good News gladly, and for the faithfulness of the generations who have succeeded them. Strengthen us with your Holy Spirit that we may walk in their footsteps and lead many to faith in Jesus Christ, in whom the living and the dead are one; and who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

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Coming up at St. Paul's:

Pentecost Services

Sunday, May 19
Rite I 8:00 am  Rite II 10:00 am

Festive Colors: Red
11:30 am Picnic in the Garden

Sundays after Pentecost
Rite I 8:00 am  Rite II 10:00 am

All are welcome!