May 21, 2013


Today is the Feast of John Eliot, Missionary, 1690

Great Creator, source of mercy, we thank you for the imagination and conviction of your evangelist, John Eliot, who brought both literacy and the Bible to the Algonquin people, and reshaped their communities into fellowships of Christ to serve you and give you praise; and we pray that we may so desire to share your Good News with others that we labor for mutual understanding and trust; through Jesus Christ our Savior, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Learn more about John Eliot here:

A Prayer from the Episcopal Church for the People of Oklahoma:

O God of all creation, you stand as mysteriously behind the forces of nature as you are revealed in the frailty of humankind; accept our prayers for all those who suffer from the ferocity of the winds and the battering of the rains. May you restore all those who are lost to those who love them, give to those who mourn a sure confidence in your abiding love, and fill all of with strength to meet the days ahead with faith, hope, and love, for it is in such that we meet you and act on your compassionate behalf. Amen.

Donate to Episcopal Relief and Development here:

Coming Up at St. Paul's:

Today: ACoA Meeting, 7:30pm (Vestry Room)

Wednesday: AA Meeting, 7:00pm (Parish Hall)
                         Martial Arts, 7:00pm (Parish Hall)

Saturday: AA Meeting, 8:15am (Parish Hall)
                    Al-Anon Meeting, 8:45am (Vestry Room)
                    Swift Fitness, 10:30am (Parish Hall)
                    Champion Youth, 12:00pm (Parish Hall)

Sunday, May 26: The First Sunday after Pentecost - Trinity Sunday
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 8:00am
Holy Eucharist (Rite II), 10:00am