We are a diverse and loving spiritual community rooted in Christian tradition - a safe place to bring your hardest questions and deepest hopes. Come and see!
Today is the Feast of Walter Rauschenbusch, Washington Gladden, and Jacob Riis, Prophetic Witnesses, 1918, 1918, 1914.
Evening Prayer at 5:30pm. Join us!
Loving God, you call us to do justice and love kindness: we thank you for the witness of Walter Rauschenbusch, Washington Gladden and Jacob Riis, reformers of society; and we pray that, following their examples of faithfulness to the Gospel, we may be ever mindful of the suffering of those who are poor and work diligently for the reform of our communities; through Jesus Christ, who with you and the Holy Spirit lives and reigns,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.
Learn more here: http://satucket.com/lectionary/rauschenbusch_gladden_riis.html
Coming Up at St. Paul's:
Evening Prayer, 5:30pm
ACoA Meeting, 7:30pm (Vestry Room)
Healing Eucharist (Rite I), 10:30am
AA Meeting, 7:00pm (Parish Hall)
Thursday: Independence Day
Morning Prayer, 7:30am
AA Meeting, 8:15am (Parish Hall)
Al-Anon Meeting, 8:45am (Vestry Room)
Swift Fitness, 10:30am (Parish Hall)
Champion Youth, 12:00pm (Parish Hall)
Sunday: The Seventh Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 8:00 am
Holy Eucharist (Rite II), 10:00am