August 31, 2013


We are a diverse and loving spiritual community rooted in Christian tradition - a safe place to bring your hardest questions and deepest hopes. Come and see!

Today is the Feast of Aidan and Cuthbert, Bishops and Missionaries, 651 and 687.

Everliving God, you called your servants Aidan and Cuthbert to proclaim the Gospel in northern England and gave them loving hearts and gentle spirits: Grant us grace to live as they did, in simplicity, humility and love for the poor; through Jesus Christ, who came among us as one who serves, and who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

This Week at St. Paul's:

AA Meeting (Parish Hall), 8:15am
Al-Anon Meeting (Vestry Room), 8:45am
Swift Fitness (Parish Hall), 10:30am

Sunday, 9/1: The Fifteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 8:00am
Holy Eucharist (Rite II), 10:00am
Birthday & Anniversary Blessings / Blessing of the Backpacks

Monday, 9/2:
AA Meeting, 7:00pm

Tuesday, 9/3:
Evening Prayer, 5:30pm
ACoA Meeting (Vestry Room), 7:30pm

Wednesday, 9/4:
Healing Eucharist followed by "Brown Bag Bible Study," 10:30am
AA Meeting (Parish Hall), 7:30pm

Thursday, 9/5:
Morning Prayer, 7:30am

Friday, 9/6:
JC Fridays, (Parish Hall), 7:00pm 

Saturday, 9/7:
AA Meeting (Parish Hall), 8:15am
Al-Anon Meeting (Vestry Room), 8:45am
Swift Fitness (Parish Hall), 10:30am

Sunday, 9/8: The Sixteenth Sunday after Pentecost
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 8:00am
Holy Eucharist (Rite II), 10:00am
Acolyte Training, 11:30am
Young Adult Lunch, Noon

Coming Up at St. Paul's:

Thursday, 9/12:
The Heart of Christianity Discussion, Session 1, 7:30pm

Friday, 9/13:
The Heart of Christianity Discussion, Session 1, 10:30am

Saturday, 9/14: Holy Cross Day
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 9:00am

Sunday, 9/15:
Worship Leader Training after 10:00am service

Saturday, 9/21: The Feast of St. Matthew
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 9:00am
Bazaar & Flea Market, 11:00am - 4:00pm (Parish Hall)

Sunday, 9/22:
Music Recital by Eric Stroud, 3:00pm

Sunday, 9/29:
Annual Parish Meeting after the 10:00am service

Friday, 10/4:
Parish Potluck Supper, 7:00pm

Sunday, 10/6: The Twentieth Sunday after Pentecost
The Blessing of the Animals, 3:00pm (Church Garden)

Thursday, 10/10:
The Heart of Christianity Discussion, Session 2, 7:30pm

Friday, 10/18:
The Heart of Christianity Discussion, Session 2, 10:30am

Friday, 10/18: The Feast of St. Luke
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 7:30am

Saturday, 11/2:
Harvest Ball, Parish Hall, 7:00pm

Thursday, 11/14:
The Heart of Christianity Discussion, Session 3, 7:30pm

Friday, 11/15:
The Heart of Christianity Discussion, Session 3, 10:30am