Weeks of February 9 & 16, 2020

Welcome to 
The Church of St. Paul and Incarnation!

An Episcopal / Anglican Parish
in the Heart of Jersey City

Two Weeks at Church:

Friday, February 7:
Community Yoga, 9:30am (Carr Hall)

Saturday, February 8:
AA Meeting, 8:15am (Carr Hall)
Al-Anon Meeting, 8:45am (Vestry Room)
Youth Confirmation Class, 10:00am

Sunday, February 9: The Fifth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 8:00am (The Rev. Lauren Ackland, celebrant and preacher)
Choir Rehearsal, 9:00am
Holy Eucharist (Rite II), 10:00am (The Rev. Lauren Ackland, celebrant and preacher)
Sunday School (Grades 1 to 5), 10:00am (Second Floor)
Youth Group Meeting, 11:45am (Second Floor)
Men’s Group Meeting, Noon
Finance Committee Meeting, Noon (Second Floor)
ABSALOM JONES SERVICE, 3:00pm (Trinity & St. Philip’s Cathedral)
Last Chance Mass, 6:00pm (The Rev. Gary Commins, celebrant and preacher)

Tuesday, February 11:
Evening Prayer, 5:30pm

Wednesday, February 12:
Morning Prayer and Anointing, 10:30am

Thursday, February 13:
Morning Prayer, 7:30am
Stone Soup Community Supper, 6:00pm

Friday, February 14:
Community Yoga, 9:30am (Carr Hall)

Saturday, February 15:
AA Meeting, 8:15am (Carr Hall)
Food Pantry Distribution, (Triangle Park), 8:30am
Al-Anon Meeting, 8:45am (Vestry Room)
Youth Confirmation Class, 10:00am

Sunday, February 16: The Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 8:00am (Ms. Lorna Woodham, preacher)
Choir Rehearsal, 9:00am
Holy Eucharist and Baptism (Rite II), 10:00am (Ms. Lorna Woodham, preacher)
Sunday School (Grades 1 to 5), 10:00am (Second Floor)
Vestry Meeting, noon (Second Floor)
Youth Black History Month Program, 4:00pm
Last Chance Mass, 6:00pm (Ms. Lorna Woodham, preacher)

Monday, February 17:
Craft Guild, 1:00pm-3:00pm (Carr Hall)

Tuesday, February 18:
Evening Prayer, 5:30pm

Wednesday, February 19:
Healing Eucharist, 10:30am

Thursday, February 20:
Morning Prayer, 7:30am

Friday, February 21:
Community Yoga, 9:30am (Carr Hall)

Saturday, February 22:
AA Meeting, 8:15am (Carr Hall)
Al-Anon Meeting, 8:45am (Vestry Room)
Youth Confirmation Class, 10:00am

Sunday, February 23: The Last Sunday after the Epiphany
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 8:00am
Choir Rehearsal, 9:00am
Holy Eucharist (Rite II), 10:00am
Sandwich Squad, during coffee hour
Music Committee, noon
All God’s Children 3:00pm
Last Chance Mass, 6:00pm

Adult Drop-in Center: Monday-Friday, 12:00pm-2:00pm
Youth Homework and Tutoring, 3:00pm-6:00pm
North Porch: Thursday, 10:00am-1:30pm
Food Pantry: Third Saturday of the month, 8:30am-11:00am

Coming Up:
Monday, February 24: The Feast of St. Matthias the Apostle
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), noon

Tuesday, February 25:

Wednesday, February 26: ASH WEDNESDAY
Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes, 7:30am
“Ashes to Go,” 8:15-9:00am (McGinley Square)
Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes, Noon
Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes, 5:00pm
Holy Communion and Imposition of Ashes, 7:30pm

Thursday, February 27:
David LaMotte Concert (Benefiting Interfaith Summer Peace Camp), 7:00pm (Old Bergen Church)

Friday, February 28:
Last Friday Lunch at GSECDC Homeless Drop-In Center, 11:30am

Wednesday, March 4:
Lenten Book Study, Session 1, 7:00pm

Saturday, March 7:
Adult Confirmation and Refresher Class, 11:00am

Sunday, March 8:
Greenville Neighborhood Alliance Neighborhood Awards Gala, 5:00pm (The Chandelier)

Thursday, March 12:
Stone Soup Community Supper, 6:00pm (Carr Hall)

Saturday, March 14:
Adult Confirmation and Refresher Class, 11:00am

Thursday, March 19: The Feast of St. Joseph
Holy Eucharist (Rite I), 7:30am

Saturday, March 21:
Adult Confirmation and Refresher Class, 11:00am

Sunday, March 22: The Fourth Sunday in Lent
Sandwich Squad during coffee hour
 “All God’s Children” Service, 3:00pm

Wednesday, March 25: The Annunciation of Our Lord
Healing Eucharist, 10:30am

Friday, March 27:
Last Friday Lunch at GSECDC Homeless Drop-In Center, 11:30am

Saturday, March 28:
Adult Confirmation and Refresher Class, 11:00am

Saturday, April 4:
Confirmation Retreat, 9:00am-4:00pm (St. James, Upper Montclair)

Saturday, May 9:
Confirmation Service, 10:00am (Trinity & St. Philip’s Cathedral, Newark)